27 March 2011

Homemade Chicken Pot Pie

This week the Midwest has been subject to multiple inches of snow and cold weather despite our brush with temperatures in the 60's last week. To lift this household out of the weather slump, I made my homemade chicken pot pie Saturday night. Trust me, this down home comfort food will not only warm you right down to your soul it will also shake the winter blues from you at first bite!

To make this reciepe you will need boneless, skinless chicken trimmings from either a chicken you roasted the night before or purchased from you local deli section. Note: preparing roasted chicken the night before as a meal stretches your dollar when it comes to food planning, two meals for the price of one! Another option to reducing the cost of this meal would be to make your own pie crusts rather than purchase pre-made.

Homemade Chicken Pot Pie
Serves: 4

1 pie baking dish
1 box of pre-made pie pastry (any brand just make sure you have a top and a bottom)
1 10 oz. can of condensed cream of chicken soup
leftover or deli purchased boneless, skinless chicken trimmings
1 handful of shredded chedder cheese
1 tablespoon mayo
Mixed unfrozen veggies, frozen will make your filling watery - use whatever you have at the time cut into bit sized pieces: carrots, celery, broccoli, corn, peas ... sky is the limit here!

1. Pre-heat oven to noted baking temperature on pie crust directions. In a medium sauce pot blend 1/2 can of water and cream of chicken soup over medium heat.

2. Cube or shredd chicken into bite size pieces, add to sauce pot,

3. Cut veggies into bite size pieces and add to sauce pot, mix. All I had on-hand was carrots and celery.

4. Add a handfull of shredded cheese and one table spoon of mayo to sauce pot, mix. I used leftover mexican blend without the seasoning. I've made this recipe with and without the mayo added. We prefer the mayo added. It adds a little something, something to the end taste.

5. Prepare bottom of pot pie pastry by shaping to pie pan.

6. Add chicken mixture to pie pan.

7. Place the second pie crust, tuck pie crust as you shape to create a tight fit.

8. To seal pie crust tuck and roll the lower and upper crusts together.

9. Place pot pie in oven for time directed on pie pastry directions until golden brown, approximately 30 minutes. Warning: while baking you will have multiple visitors to the kitchen ~ the smell is amazing!

An added step I must endure while cooking anything with carrots is feeding our little four legged fur baby her favorite snack. When she hears the carrott bag rustle there is no living with her until she gets her snack. Here she is begging in her sweet song way.

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